Meet Your Guide

Meet Our Guides

Our  guides are experienced professionals who are dedicated to making sure your  experience in the Wyoming outdoors is an excellent one!  Our guides have  been fly fishing for the majority of their lives, intimately know the area, and  enjoy working with the public.  We know your experience with any one of  these guides will be a memorable one!

 Ray  Bredehoft – Owner/Fishing Guide

Ray grew up in Wyoming and  learned how to fly fish from his dad (Roger).  His love of fly fishing and  being in the Wyoming outdoors inspired him to start a fly fishing guide service.   He wanted to be able to take anglers to quiet locations in Wyoming where they  could fish and encounter very few people.  A world-wide fly fisherman, Ray  excels at guiding anglers through the white water stretches of the Upper North  Platte River in the North Gate Canyon.  He also enjoys teaching people how  to fly fish and how to tie flies.

Molly Bredehoft – Owner

Upper May 2011 008Molly is our naturalist.  She loves taking folks for scenic hikes in the mountains.  She likes identifying flora and funa while you hike and point out mountain peaks and valleys.  Molly also guides wade trips and  float trips!

Roger Bredehoft – Manager

Roger knows all of the secret locations for  finding Walleye at Glendo Reservoir!  Roger has fly fished around the  country and Canada, and has an impressive background in fly fishing.   Besides spending time in his motor boat at Glendo, Roger guides along the Upper  North Platte: taking clients on floats and wade trips.  Roger loves to  teach beginners how to fly fish or how to tie flies.  When you go on a trip  with us, you are very likely to use a fly Roger has tied himself!

Mason Barker – Fly Fishing and Ice Fishing Guide

Mason grew up in Douglas Wyoming and has always spent time in the outdoors. Picking up a fly rod was a foreign thing to him years ago because he had no influence to do but he wanted to try something new, and the rest is history! Mason loves trying new fishing methods and trying new places to fish! He really enjoys throwing mice at night, spending days hiking to high alpine lakes, or sitting on a frozen lake jigging for big trout!  He loves tying flies and introducing people into the world of fly fishing!

Tom Corrigan – Fly Fishing Guide

Tom Corrigan grew up fishing saltwater in his home state of New Jersey.  When he moved to Wyoming he quickly picked up fly fishing in the world class waters surrounding Laramie. Fly fishing quickly became his favorite way to experience the outdoors. In the years Tom has been here he has gotten the chance to travel all across the west with a fly rod, but close to his home in Laramie he has become well acquainted with everything from the most remote backwaters holding unpressured trout to the ever more popular plains lakes and rivers. Tom’s knowledge of the area, willingness to explore, as well as thinking outside the box are a true asset when he is guiding. He will do everything he can to craft an exciting trip for anglers of all skill levels and share a true western fly fishing experience as well as expose his clients to the rich natural resources, history, wildlife, and scenery of Southeast Wyoming.

Logan Homar  – Fly Fishing Guide

Logan grew up in Cheyenne Wyoming and started fly fishing at a very young age. He first picked up a fly rod at 11 years old and his dad, who has been fly fishing his whole life, was his teacher. Logan enjoys exploring new places to fish in Wyoming whether it’s a close 20 minute drive or a 5 mile hike he is up for it! Logan’s favorite thing is to get new people hooked on the sport of fly fishing and see just how much fun it can be. Logan loves fishing small rural creeks that are hard to access and untouched by people. The feeling of being in the extreme wild is exhilarating for him.  Logan also enjoys snowboarding in the winter when not on the water. He enjoys fishing with friends whenever he can. Ever since a young age he knew he wanted to guide fly fishing trips and someday run his own fly store. Fly fishing has always been his biggest passion and will continue to be.

Chris Cain  – Fly Fishing Guide

Jason Chandler – Walleye Guide

Scot Kofron – Walleye Guide

More info coming soon!


Call or email us to book your trip today!   or (307) 761-2921

An equal opportunity service provider operating under permit from Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and Bureau of Land Management.  

We are Licensed, Bonded and insured in Colorado and Wyoming.  Colorado License # 2532